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AGM - Annual General Meeting


Our AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be held on Wednesday 11th November 2015 at 9am (top hall)

At this meeting the current PTA Committee members will be stepping down and a new committee

will be voted / appointed.


Please try to attend, as your input really does matter. We'll have coffee and croissants, and we'll try to get

through the meeting as quickly as possible.


Please consider applying for one of the PTA roles. It can be hard work, but very valuable to the school community.

See the job descriptions below.

If interested, please email us with a few lines about yourself and why you could be good for that role. We'll get back to you with further information prior to the meeting. Send emails to, with the job title in the description.








Events Manager

Class Reps

PTA Constitution / Terms of Reference

Our constitution document can be downloaded here.

This was the web site for the School PTA (Parent Teacher Association) of St. Edward's Catholic Primary School, London.

Charity registration number: contact us for details

Copyright 2013-2016

If you would like any photo of you or your child removed from this site, please contact us via this link, and we'll fix it promptly.

From December 2015 this web-site is not being updated.


Website created by a human, not a robot. If you spot a mistake, please let us know!



School PTA:

Does exactly what it says on the tin...

We are a London school parent teacher association / London school PTA.

Primary school PTA London.

All parents and carers of children at the school are automatically part of the school PTA.

To read our PTA Constitution (PTA Terms of Reference) and PTA role descriptions, please click on this link.

Catholic school PTA


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