Summer Fair 2013 photos
Click on any image grid to view larger version .... 5 pages total, so click on the left/right arrows to to see more pages
Thank you to our incredible team for making this event rock... it was a scorcher!
To our army of parents who spent many long hours pulling the event together (in just 4 weeks!) and hustling suppliers for donations... you know who you are... we salute you!
Thanks to the kids for setting up the space the day before, and for the teachers (and teachers hubbies), kids, parents, auties, uncles & carers that came along to work so hard on the day itself. Also of course, thanks to those people who came and spent money!
The raffle-ticket sellers... your ability to enthuse people is fantastic. We raised £1500 on the raffle alone.
Thank you to all of our business community supporters and sponsors; your belief in our lovely school has made a massive difference to a really worthy cause.
And special thanks to Ricardo for all his patience and help, we couldn't have done it without him.


...enthusiastic support from our past pupils

Green Zone - plants, seed planting, plant-pot decorating

Thank you Marius and crew for coming along!

...worked like troopers all day, donated all the takings, AND gave us vouchers for the raffle. Giant hearts. Nishta Lutchmun at Saasha Clinic for being so generous. One of London's top Nail & Beauty Clinics, they offer a very unique and specialised experience to its customers. The moment you step through the door you will sense the warm and friendly approach. All the treatments are professionally performed with honesty and the results are instantly noticeable.
Go to link

/ Indaba Yoga, Marylebone NW1 Indaba means ‘gathering’. Come in and deepen your practice in the company of like-minded people with the support of devoted and attentive teachers. Our emphasis is on positive personal growth at whatever level you wish to explore.
Go to link

Thank you to Westminster Councillor Sheila D'Souza and Mena Rego (Chair of Governors) for spending the day with us.

kid's pocket money toys being sold by the kids. Next stop, The Apprentice!