PTA Committee
Any of the PTA members can be contacted directly, via the e-mail buttons.
Or for general queries, contact us via info@school-pta.co.uk

Steve steve@school-pta.co.uk Chair Overviews and provides leadership for the committee, sets the agenda for meetings and manages meetings in line with the agenda. Works closely with the Treasurer and Secretary to ensure that the PTA is run effectively.

The Treasurer has overall responsibility for managing PTA funds and complying with legislation and governing charities. Day-to-day management of PTA accounts, including issuing invoices and receipts on behalf of the PTA, and making payments. Prepare and update financial ledgers on a regular basis. Records all income and expenditure, records details of the amounts received and spent and has the details available for every committee. Works closely with the Fundraising Team.

Yong-Gi Secretary / Communications Sends out agendas for the committee meetings. Attends the meetings to take notes and then send them to the PTA mailing list. Looks after most aspects of our parent communications.

We are fortunate to have several class reps for some classes.
But we always need more, so let us know if you'd like to be involved!
Want to know more? Download the "What Is A Class Rep" leaflet
Any of the Reps can be contacted via info@school-pta.co.uk
Class Representatives


Liz Elizabeth Garcia


Patricia Patricia Frayssignes

Vacant - we need your help please

Ana Thank you to Ana Frenmayor who became a Class Rep on 27/11/13

Carmela Carmela Viola Virginie Didier-Decorps

Patricia Patricia Frayssignes

Maria Maria Gullin

Emma Emma Snowling

Brenda Brenda das Neves Brenda das Neves

Michelle Michelle Reed

Yong-Gi Yong-Gi Law. Also currently the PTA Secretary

Myla Myla M Vidad


Clara Clara Huapalla-Cahuas also is the PTA treasurer

Salma Mum to Faisal and Ghandi

Lor Lor Aguimatang (Mum to Karen)


Myla Myla M Vidad

Almudena School crossing, lollipop lady. Almudena Hernandez


Patricia Patricia France
Other contacts

Aly Point of contact for raising funds via the community... donations from local businesses, cake sales, fairs, etc. However, many of the other parents/carers and Class Reps are also actively involved in the fundraising drive.

Mrs Tucket

Vacant - We need you!

Nadia Can also offer advice about "Match Funding" Chairs the PPC team for the Governors