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PTA Meeting Minutes

The PTA Committee meet every few weeks, and we also have regular meetings with the Class Representatives, and the wider PTA.

If you have a child at St Edward's then you are automatically a member of the PTA, so please do come along to the main PTA Coffee Morning meetings (usually one per term). ​

Look out for meeting dates on the newsletter, text messages from the school, and also follow us on Twitter for updates.

Please click on the notepads below to read the minutes from the past meetings (opens as a PDF document).

This was the web site for the School PTA (Parent Teacher Association) of St. Edward's Catholic Primary School, London.

Charity registration number: contact us for details

Copyright 2013-2016

If you would like any photo of you or your child removed from this site, please contact us via this link, and we'll fix it promptly.

From December 2015 this web-site is not being updated.


Website created by a human, not a robot. If you spot a mistake, please let us know!



School PTA:

Does exactly what it says on the tin...

We are a London school parent teacher association / London school PTA.

Primary school PTA London.

All parents and carers of children at the school are automatically part of the school PTA.

To read our PTA Constitution (PTA Terms of Reference) and PTA role descriptions, please click on this link.

Catholic school PTA


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