2016/7 Events
This page is not being updated currently. Check the weekly newsletters for the latest updates.
Cake Sale Friday's
The kids love these days! We welcome all your contributions, from fancy cakes you may have had donated from a pâttisserie, a yummy chocolate sponge from Tesco, to cakes baked by you or the kids at home.
Open to the adults at 3pm, and kids from 3:30 to 5:00pm. Make sure the kids have some money with them!
Upcoming dates (look out for the big signs in the playground):
Friday 27 March 2015

Christmas Fair
A fantastic afternoon. Volunteer helpers and organisers needed please!
Last time we had incredible raffle prizes, including £300 of restaurant vouchers, vouchers for hotel nights and pamper sessions.
Tombola, games, lots of fun. Brig money!
The kids will get a chance to meet Santa in his grotto, and receive a gift.
Friday 11 December 2015 3:00pm to 5.30pm +
Entry fee £1 per adult, kids come free.
Kids Summer Party
Get ready for the Kids Summer Spectacular! A fantastic party day with a picnic lunch in the playground, followed by entertainers and lots of surprises and treats.
Most of the cost is being funded by the PTA, using money raised from cake sales, Summer Fair, etc.
A day to be remembered for all the kids!
Photos of the 2013 party are here.
Thursday 2 July 2015, from 12 noon to 3:15pm
£2 contribution per child please. This is a "no uniform" day.
Not open to parents, except for 3 volunteer helpers per class.

Summer Fair

Our 2nd major Summer Fair. This will be great fun with stalls in the playgrounds, BBQ, world food, entertainment, bouncy castles, games for the kids and adults, live music, beauty treatments, football competitions, incredible raffle prizes, tombola, and lots more!
Bring your family, bring your friends, and have some fun.
Look out for more news soon, and check the dedicated page.
Saturday 27 June 2015
Open to the general public. Entry fee £1 per adult, free for kids.
Volunteer helpers and ideas needed please!
Donations needed please! A letter for our parent helpers to get donations can be downloaded here.
See the separate Summer Fair page for timetables, etc
Donations received and pledges received so far: click here.

Fun, fun, fun... and we raise some money!
Check the weekly newsletters for upcoming fundraising days.
Usual voluntary donation is £1 per child.
Inside Out Day / Dress Down Friday - Friday 29 November 2013
World Book Day - Friday 14 February 2014
Red Nose Day - Friday 14 March 2014
PJ's day, wear your pyjamas! - Friday 13 June 2014 (CANCELLED)
Jeans Day (Jeans for Genes charity) - Friday 19 September 2014
all events subject to change
Fun Days

Year 6 graduation party
You've worked incredibly hard this year, and the SAT's are finally over.
Now it's time to PAAAARRRTTTYYY!
This is your very own VIP party... lasers, smoke machines - the works.
How much? It's free... you're on the VIP guest list
Thursday 16 July 2015 from 3.45pm - 5.45/6pm
Year 6 parent volunteers for set-up at 2.30pm please!
Strictly no parents allowed once it starts!
World on a plate
Lots of yummy food at our International Food Day. Celebrate your culture and diversity at this fun afternoon. Activities during the day for kids, and then parents come and enjoy some incredible food from 2.30pm onwards.
Photos of the 2014 event are here.
Friday 22 May 2015, from 3:30 to 5:30pm
Free entry, just bring money to buy food. But be early... we sold out quickly at the last one.
Kids can wear their national costume for the day if they donate £1
And if your national flag is missing from the banner, instead of moaning, get on the case with printing your own banner!
Remember, all of these things are organised by unpaid volunteers, who give up their own evenings and weekends to create these events.