Summer Fair 2013 logistics

Risk Assessment Form
We are working with an independent Risk Assessor to compile our Risk Assessment form. We are grateful to Gareth Amui at The Hercinia Group for his support.
Please download and review the latest copy of the Risk Assessment form. Also ensure you are always working with the latest version.
We welcome all input and comments regarding the items on there... please let us know if we've missed something.
We are still developing this section. Content to follow shortly.
Volunteers / Staffing
We are still developing this section. Content to follow shortly.
We are still developing this section. Content to follow shortly.
We are still developing this section. Content to follow shortly.
To be done
We are still developing this section. Content to follow shortly.
Volunteers needed for these jobs
Organise ideas for event
Acquire donations
Organise all items in the week befores the fair (especially on the Friday)
Set up 9am to 12 noon
Help on a stand 12noon to 2pm
Help on a stand 2pm to 4pm
Tidy up afterwards from 4pm
Gate security
First aid
Fire marshalls
BBQ assistants
Bucket collections
Face painting
Balloon inflating
Help to sort any remaining goods the following week (Monday 1 July)
More content to follow shortly.
Sponsors on-board
We are still developing this section. Content to follow shortly.
Sponsors - awaiting news
We are still developing this section. Content to follow shortly.
Fundraising donation letter
Download a copy here.